Always on the lookout for interesting guests for our rolling line-up.

Refer a guest and get a shout-out in their episode.

The podcast gets lots of guest requests. I am thrilled this happens. Unfortunately, not everybody can be accommodated, as fascinating as they may be. I try to get back to as many people as possible.

Guest Bios

Episodes 1 and 2 – Jonty Haywood: ex veterinary student, educator, virtual reality game developer, AI app developer and world traveller. Jonty has had an incredibly interesting life. He’s lived across the globe and speaks a number of languages, including good Thai (not an easy language to master). At an early age, Jonty created his own system of learning because as he says,, “I’m not very good at remembering facts”. I think he created a memorable first 2 episodes. I trust you’ll agree.

Episodes 3 and 4 – Dr Colin Summerhayes PhD, DSc: One of the world’s leading climate scientists. Ex Director of UNESCO projects. Ex Director of the Scott Polar Research Institute at Cambridge University. Author, public speaker and all-round advocate for a better future for all of us on this planet.
He’s launching The Climate Pulse Podcast in May/ June 2023. He’ll be chatting about the climate situation in plain and simple English. Great stuff for school kids and teachers and anyone who cares about the planet. You don’t have to believe in climate change, you just have to understand it. Visit the Climate Pulse website.

Episodes 5 and 6 – Josh Moulton: Business consultant from Boston but now living in Puerto Escondido, Mexico. Puerto is a broad-based community of highly energetic and creative people. Included in Josh’s repertoire of creative skills is his electronic music writing and production. He also loves to suf and explore Mexico.

Epsiode 7, 8 and 9 – Jorge Antunes Vega: One of Argentina’s brightest hopes for the future. Jorge has big plans and would one day like to be president of Argentina. It could certainly do a lot worse for candidates as Jorge is highly ambitious regarding Argentina’s future. He is currently studying a Masters Degree at Cambridge. He is a graduate of Manchester University.

Episodes 10, 11 and 12 – John Brewer: John leads the second largest children’s hospital in the USA. He is based in Phoenix, Arizona. He is one of the busiest guys I know but still has time for all the enjoyable things in life. He coaches people about business and management and mentors students at the hospital regarding their studies and management theory. He regularly visits the UK and has absorbed some of the traits of British humour. @LeadAuthentic

Episodes 13, 14 and 15 –  Andy Strotes: Andy has been involved in creative talent agencies for a long time. He has a wealth and depth of knowledge comparable only to the top people in his industry. He has started, grown and sold a number of agencies and still runs one. He is a published author and provides advice for people looking to run their own businesses. He is a widely experienced and knowledgable man regarding anything creative. If you are an aspiring author, contact this guy on Twitter/ LinkedIN. @StroteBook. He has a book out so look for the link on his Twitter page.

Episodes 16, 17 and 18 –  Soo Young Lee: Soo Young Lee is a professional in the personal development industry with over 20 years of experience as a life coach, seminar leader, & business consultant. She is the founder of Unschooling for Creators, an educational company based on quantum skill sets for the digital economy. Using applied multiverse theory, she helps Creators build their Plan A business & lifestyle. Her framework: Every choice we make is toward our potential or our personality. To become an entrepreneur, we must get comfortable creating into the void, taking risks into the unknown. We can access the systems and tools from another multiverse through meditation & intentional play. We can compress time, space, & dimensions by applying these systems to our current challenges. Our challenges are the way to build our passion business & personal evolution.

Click for social media: Twitter, Substack, LinkedIn, Instagram, Podcast, Facebook

Episodes 19, 20 and 21 – John Kennedy: John is an educator and governor of the State of Georgia education systems. He is a recently published author – find the link to his book by clicking the link: here . John has built a long and distinguishe through his Twitter account belowd career in education and has a wonderfully refreshing and modern vision of education for the future. @letsquitteachin

Currently Running – Episodes 22, 23 and 24 – Dr. Michael Steiner: One of my most broad minded and educated guests. Michael has multpile degrees and is the VP of Innovation at South Eastern University in Florida, USA. He runs his own consultancy (Click – Steiner Consulting) helping business leaders find their next “big thing,” @thedrmsteiner

Things don’t get any better than when a conversation starts with the Mutual Combat Law from Texas, USA. Fun conversation.

Coming Soon: Episodes 25, 26 and 27 – Coach Turby: Business Coach and entrepreneur.

For his Twitter (X) account:   @coachturby



The host: Joel

20 years in sales and business consulting. 15 years doing various things in education. Runs Sea Dragon Executive Education for technical people transitioning into people management. He has a BSc (Hons) Engineering with Business and an MBA (Liverpool). Still involved in teaching – when it’s in your blood it is hard to give up.

For Joel, everything is about creative methods – and it always has been. Started writing lyrics at 14, playing in bands, DJing and singing every day. Records in his home studio and writes music: rock and dance.

Joel is the singer/ rhythm guitarist in the Tashkent based rock band The Clashkent Pistols. He loves to talk to almost anyone who will listen. Loves to listen even more – people are fascinating.

Self publishing his first book: Smell the Dirt. Has written textbooks on economics and business.

Associated with Liverpool University School of Business. Works with 2nd year bachelor students and coaches gifted pre-university students about how to think broadly, deeply and creatively.

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