Launched February 2023

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Creatively Promoting the Art of Good Conversation

A podcast where we dive into the cool waters of good conversation and cruise around some of the current ideas existing in a variety of industries and businesses – big and small.

Joel chats with influencial people about the awareness and state of open, clear conversation in numerous aspects of personal and business life. Is good conversation on the ropes and whithering on  the vine? Tune in, listen and find out.

The guests do the talking. Joel keeps things on track.

Publishing on major platforms, for example:
Apple Podcasts

The Story Behind Creativity Pulse Podcast

After 20 years in business and 15 years in education, Joel realised he knew some really cool people. People who run huge firms, small entrepreneurial businesses, scientists, musicians, art gallery owners and start-up enthusiasts. They are all creative people in their own right – with captivating stories to tell.

Joel wanted to let them share their fascinating and sometimes hilarious stories. That’s why he started this podcast – he asks the questions, they do the talking. We hope you enjoy listening to them as much as he has over the years.

Hopefully, their stories will inspire others to be more aware of the value of good conversation.

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